Josephine Bosah
2 min readMay 4, 2021

LinkedIn Campaign

[Subject] Share Value

Hi [First name],

Frankly, I know how frustrating it can be to understand I.T concepts. Without requisite support, it can seem like an impossible feat. In this niche, lack of experience can abort your chances of becoming a successful DevOps Engineer; hence the Project-Based Learning (PBL) program was designed.

Having factored in these significant constraints, the Project-Based Learning (PBL) program became an impregnable reliable system designed to ensure you emerge a DevOps professional. There is a distinct approach to this social learning platform. It’s one that employs a blend of hands-on projects and feedbacks, quality courses from industry professionals, CV review, real-world projects, unrivaled mentorship opportunities from exceptional professionals that offer you their unflinching support and guidance required to excel, and a host of others.

There is NO prerequisite for this learning. It does not require prior knowledge in cloud computing, system administration, or software development. You can start with little or NO experience.

Within three months of this program, you will be able to deploy enterprise DevOps solutions, a plethora of job opportunities, earn in six figures, a unique sense of achievement and job satisfaction.

When you join the program, you’ll realize that DAREY.IO is so much more than just a learning platform. It’s a system designed to ensure you succeed in your quest to become a DevOps Engineer.


